If you have a complaint please call the Practice Manager on 01724 292099.
Complaints Process
1. Incident
Something happens which you think isn’t right or could be done better.
2. Making the complaint
You let us know what your complaint is.
3. Our reply
If we can sort it out straight away by talking to you, we will. If we need to investigate further we will write to you when we have looked into it as well as giving you chance to discuss it again with us.
4. Further action
We let you know what we plan to do. If you are still unhappy you can contact the Ombudsman to ask for their opinion.
It could be anything. Mistakes do happen and should be brought to our notice so we can try to prevent them happening again.
We try to plan our services for you so that everyone gets the most benefit possible but we are always looking to see if we can do something in a better way.
Do not be afraid to tell us about your concern. Making a complaint does not need to damage your relationship with us. We try to do our best for you and appreciate the chance to put things right.
Making the Complaint
You can make your complaint by speaking to one of our staff or by asking for the Practice Manager (Darryl Southern). We will do our very best to sort out the problem there and then for you. If this does not resolve the problem then you can put it in writing addressed to the Practice Manager. We will reply to you as soon as possible.
If you are not happy to complain directly to the practice then you can write to or call:
NHS England, NHS Commissioning Board, PO Box 16738, Redditch B97 9PT
Telephone: 0300 311 22 33
For further and more local advice you can contact:
Patient Relations, Health House, Grange Park Lane, Willerby. HU10 6DT
01652 251125
Email: NLCCG.PALS@nhs.net
Our Reply
Normally we will arrange for you to meet the Practice Manager to discuss your complaint initially and then involve other staff if necessary. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative with you if you wish. When the complaint has been investigated we will write to tell you what the conclusion is and what we intend to do. This may be an apology, an explanation or a commitment to change the way we do something.
Further Action
We will carry out any change we have indicated and have found necessary.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can take your complaint to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Health (the Ombudsman):
Health Service Ombudsman for England
Millbank Tower
London, SW1P 4QP
Telephone: 0345 015 4033